KEY TAKEAWAY: Habits can be formed intentionally or unintentionally. Unfortunately, some bad habits we may not even be aware of. Here are 10 Toxic Habits that you may be doing unintentionally but that can harm your sense of self and qualify of life and living. Download the infographic here.
What will you do this weekend?
Will some of what you do stem from habits you’ve developed?
We may develop habits either intentionally or unintentionally.
A habit begins with a trigger—a cue that kicks off a certain behavior.
Triggers can take many forms: a time of day, an emotional state, a location, or a preceding action. For example, it’s Saturday, so your morning routine is naturally different from Monday through Friday.
Next, we perform the behavior prompted by the trigger. For instance, on Saturdays, you might do a morning yoga routine, something you don’t typically do during the week.
Finally, there’s a reward for the behavior. After your yoga practice, you feel relaxed and refreshed—this positive outcome reinforces the habit, making you more likely to repeat it.
Some habits are positive. Others? Not so much.
Unfortunately, negative habits can become as easily entrenched as good ones. Often, these habits aren’t outwardly visible—they live in our thoughts and emotions, quietly impacting our sense of self and well-being.
10 Toxic Habits to Watch Out For
1) Victim Mindset
↳ Believing the world is against you can make you feel powerless and lead you to making excuses for not taking action.
↳ Instead, practice acceptance of what you can’t control or change and focus on what you can. Set achievable goals and take small steps forward.
2) Negative Self-Talk
↳ This lowers self-esteem and fosters negative self-fulfilling prophecies.
↳ Instead, recognize when you’re in inner critic mode and reframe your thoughts with kindness, as if speaking to a friend.
3) “Not-Enoughness” Life Lens
↳ Viewing yourself or the world around you as not enough or good enough cultivates chronic dissatisfaction.
↳ Instead, recognize when you’re in cup-half-empty mode. Shift your focus to gratitude and celebrate who you are and what you have.
4) The Comparison Trap
↳ Constantly comparing yourself to others steals your joy and feeds a sense of inadequacy, something that social media can exacerbate.
↳ Instead, focus on your own journey, progress, and goals. Consider limiting social media time.
5) Playing the Blame Game
↳ Blaming others or circumstances stops you from taking responsibility and making changes.
↳ Instead, own your choices and actions. Learn from them. Journal to identify patterns and where you can make changes. Growth starts with awareness and taking responsibility.
6) Rabbit Hole Thinking
↳ This keeps you stuck in a negative spiral of worry and stops you from taking action.
↳ Instead, become aware when you’ve gone down the rabbit hole. Shift your focus to what you can know, control, and do. Let go of the rest, redirecting your thoughts when you start heading down the rabbit hole again. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
7) Chasing praise & avoiding criticism
↳ This makes your self-worth dependent on others’ approval.
↳ Instead, celebrate wins for what they mean to you. Recognize feedback as someone else’s opinion based on what’s important to them, which may or may not offer value to you.
8) Not Being Present
↳ Living in the past or future creates stress and steals your now.
↳ Instead, practice mindfulness. Focus on being intentional with your thoughts, actions, and communication.
9) Holding Onto What’s Toxic
↳ Toxic relationships and habits drain you emotionally and keep you stuck.
↳ Instead, recognize destructive relationships & patterns. Set boundaries. Choose healthier options that support your well-being.
10) Neglecting Your Self-Care
↳ Ignoring your well-being leads to burnout, anxiety, and unfulfillment.
↳ Prioritize getting enough exercise and quality sleep, eating well, & taking time for what lifts you up and enriches your life.
Want a reminder?
Hang it up on your bathroom mirror or somewhere you can see it daily to remind yourself to check in, see if you are engaging in a toxic habit, and shift your thoughts to be more quality-of-self- and life-supporting.
IMPORTANT: The information provided is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified professional with any questions you may have regarding the topics discussed here as the topics discussed are based on general principles and may not be applicable to every individual.
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