Quarterly Estimated Tax Payments: Are you paying them? If not, should you be? KEY TAKEAWAY: If you’re self-employed or have additional sources of income, you may need to make estimated tax payments to the IRS to avoid underpayment penalties. Understanding and adhering...
Mindful Eating: A Tool to Support Long-Lasting Change in Your Relationship with Food KEY TAKEAWAY: How we look affects how we feel, and that includes when it comes to our weight. As a result, many of us seek solutions to lose weight to help us feel better. However, if...
Why External Changes May Not Give You the Results You Crave KEY TAKEAWAY: While changing our external circumstances can seem a tempting fix to what we are unhappy about in our lives, change begins within ourselves. So, before making a big change on the outside,...
6 Tips to Consider Before Taking On New or Additional Debt KEY TAKEAWAY: Debt can be a useful financial tool when managed properly, but it can also become a burden creating stress and obstacles to working toward our financial goals if not carefully considered. By...
Not too much. Not too little. Just lagom. KEY TAKEAWAY: Visiting Stockholm every summer shows me how much our surroundings and culture shape our health and lifestyle. Seeing how Swedes balance activity and moderation inspires me to bring some of that “lagom” — just...
What truth are your words creating? KEY TAKEAWAY: Our words are powerful tools that shape not only how others perceive us but also how we perceive ourselves. The language we use can be either empowering or disempowering, influencing what we feel, do, and achieve....